Rainbow and Pot of Gold Cupcakes:
Rainbow layered cupcake topped with a sweet and sour "rainbow" and chocolate 'gold'. These are too cute - but be warned making the mini cupcakes was VERY time consuming - i suggest making these in large size or even just a cake.
First mix a box of White Cake per directions then seperate into 6 equal parts and make the colors of the rainbow - R.O.Y.G.B.I.V - indigo/violet = one purpleline muffin pan and start piping in each color starting with purple, then blue, green, yellow, orange, and last red. I had a couple of testers to get the right amount i needed of each - just make sure they stay about 2/3rds full.
Bake per package directions - (sidebar - **these would make great 'noah's ark' theme with little boats or animals on top or hippie tie dyed theme with peace love and happiness on top)
Cut Airhead Extreme's (sour sugary gummy strip) into small pieces, and go to the candy store where they sell m&m's by the color and get a bag of gold ones (this looks amazing and professional if you have the money to spend on regular airheads and chocolate gold coins - i however didn't) :)
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